Thursday, September 18, 2014

Structural Specifics

The following three pictures are plans of the cathedral, each showing something slightly different.
Plan of Florence Cathedral (photo by Franklin Toker)

This first plan is really interesting because it shows the lines of the vaulted ceiling inside the cathedral. Each X shape is where the ceiling edges would meet.

Floor plan of Cathedral that also shows where the older Santa Reparata used to stand (Photo taken from here)
This plan actually shows where the old Santa Reparata used to be before the newer cathedral was built on top of it. It's humorous to me to imagine how much smaller that church must have been than the current cathedral.

Early side view plan of the Florence Cathedral (photo by Franklin Toker)
 This side plan of the church is actually not of the final cathedral, but of one of the many proposed designs. I posted this image on here because it shows for one how detailed even preliminary designs can be, as well as how different this plan was than the one that was actually constructed.

 Side View of Cathedral
Photo taken by Bruce Stokes, labeled by me.
The outside of the cathedral is covered in polychrome marble, which is just painted marble. The colors are red, green, and the white of the marble. The cathedral was built in a Gothic-Renaissance style, with many elements from both styles of architecture.

Information used from: 

Gallardo, Jezhen. "Florence Cathedral." Archinomy. Archinomy, 16 May 2012. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>.

Toker, Franklin. "Florence Cathedral: The Design Stage." Art Bulletin 60 (1978): 214-231.

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