Thursday, September 18, 2014

Filippo Brunelleschi

I read over a brief biography of Filippo Brunelleschi and found out some interesting facts. For one, Brunelleschi was not even an architect; he was a master goldsmith, or at least initially he was. That makes what he did with the Florence Cathedral incredibly impressive to me.

According to the biography Brunelleschi made the transition to architecture after losing out to Lorenzo Ghiberti for a sculpture commission. He was good friends with Donatello, which is interesting to me because surely Brunelleschi must have been very good at what he did if he was friends with one of the greats of sculpting.

A last fact I got from the biography is that because of the Florence Cathedral, Brunelleschi is considered "one of the giants of Renaissance architecture." This from a man who in his early life had a different career that he also excelled at just illustrates to me how amazingly talented he was.

Information taken from:
"Filippo Brunelleschi." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 18 Sep. 2014.

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